Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!

If you’re exploring faith, skeptical, or just curious, you’re welcome here. We aim to offer both the truth of who Jesus is and a space where you can explore, ask questions, and move forward at your own pace.

Our worship gatherings are simple - no frills, no fuss. We simply gather to remember what Jesus has done for us, and to celebrate the life that we have in Him.

What to Expect on a Sunday

  • No dress code - come as you are!

  • You’ll be greeted with a warm smile by friendly people who are excited to welcome you!

  • If you would like your children to join our fun, age-appropriate classes (birth–5th grade), please visit the Children’s ministry page for more information.

  • We’ll encourage you to stay connected by joining our newsletter - or you can go ahead and sign up here.

  • Live contemporary worship music

  • A pastor teaching the Bible with a gospel-centered focus, helping you apply it to everyday life

  • Christians are encouraged to celebrate communion each week. We offer bread, a gluten-free option, red wine, and white grape juice.

  • Our service lasts about 90 minutes

Gospel + Safety + Time

Our Lead Pastor often reminds us that we need three things: gospel + safety + time. Jesus offers you a fresh start, but we also know real change happens when you’re in a place where you feel welcomed and supported. So, unless you tell us otherwise, we’re assuming you need a community where you can grow, heal, and take things one step at a time.