Oak City Serves
We are dedicated to loving our neighbors and helping them know and follow Jesus. We demonstrate this love through active involvement in both our local and global communities.
Pharaoh’s Daughter
Pharaoh’s Daughter offers hope to pregnant incarcerated women and their babies by breaking the cycle of poverty and incarceration. They care for babies while mothers are incarcerated and support both mother and child after release, providing tailored assistance that often includes housing, structure, family care, childcare, schooling, job training, and counseling
Oak City partners with Pharaoh’s Daughter by providing volunteers and gathering donations for the moms and children participating in their program.
Raleigh Dream Center
The Raleigh Dream Center, a volunteer-driven organization, provides social services and community programs to high-risk youth, individuals, and families in the Triangle area. Their Adopt-a-Block program involves bi-monthly neighborhood visits to deliver groceries, play with children, and engage in Gospel conversations. The program is family-friendly, and kids are welcome.
Smithfield Rescue Mission
The Smithfield Rescue Mission shares Jesus' love with the homeless and needy, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. They offer both short-term emergency shelter and a long-term program to break cycles of poverty and addiction within a Christ-centered community.
Oak City Church partners with SRM through volunteer work days and donations of goods and services.
Oak City partners with SuNica to make disciples of Jesus in Nicaragua through clean water, education, and mentorship. We send teams annually to support local coordinators, host soccer tournaments, and work on special projects.