Children’s Ministry

Birth - 5th Grade

At Oak City, our goal is to engage kids with the stories in Scripture, helping them understand God's plan to redeem the world through His Son, Jesus, and how this impacts their lives today, and for eternity.

Each Sunday, we come alongside families to help disciple their children by offering engaging and intentional lessons and activities for children birth through fifth grade, using The Biggest Story curriculum. Our classes are divided into the following age groups:

Babies and Toddlers: Birth to two years old

Preschool: Three to five years old

Younger Elementary: Kindergarten through Second Grade

Older Elementary: Third through Fifth Grade

When you arrive, please come to our check-in table. We’ll help you check in your child, show them to their classroom, and introduce them to their teacher for the day. Elementary-aged children sit with their parents during the first part of the worship service and are then escorted to their classrooms.

All Children’s Ministry volunteers have been background checked. To learn more about what to expect, please refer to our parent handbook, or email our director, Ashley Noble.

Children’s Ministry Director