Your gifts make a difference!
We give in two ways: with our resources and with our time
With our Resources
Scripture calls us to be generous with our finances, reminding us that we can't serve both God and money. Giving helps keep money from becoming an idol. Please consider partnering financially with Oak City Church as we make disciples in Raleigh and around the world. Your support helps us continue God's work.
Text to Give
You may text anytime using our text-to-give service.
Simply text the word “GIVE” to (833)958-3055
Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts.
You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number (ex. 250) and hitting send!
(Standard messaging rates apply)
Cash or Check
Cash or checks can be dropped off in the offering boxes on Sunday mornings or in person at our church offices. Please make checks payable to Oak City Church. Checks may also be mailed to our church offices at the address below:
Oak City Church
1830 Tillery Place Suite A
Raleigh, NC 27604
Online Giving
With our Time
Serving at church is a meaningful way to use your gifts to make an impact in the lives of others. When you serve, you not only help others, but you also grow in your own faith.