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Theology 201: Bibliology and Hermeneutics

What is the Christian bible, where did it come from, and how can/should we read it?

Join Ken Cantrell for this 10-session course focuses on the authority, nature, and interpretation (hermeneutics) of the Scriptures. We will compare the various Christian traditions’ views of authority, examining the Reformation principle of Sola Scriptura. We focus on its transmission and canonization. We will also ask tough questions concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. We will then look at how the Church has interpreted the Scriptures throughout history, ending our time by looking at current trends in Evangelical hermeneutics.  This course will cover:

  • Authority – What’s the difference between the Catholic and Protestant views of authority, and how does this affect the role of Scripture?

  • Sola Scriptura – More on how the importance and meaning of this doctrine

  • Transmission of Scripture – “Do we have the right words?”

  • Canonization of the Old Testament – How did books of the OT “get selected”? What about the apocrypha?

  • Canonization of the New Testament – How did the books of the NT “get selected”? And, what about modern translations?

  • Inspiration – What is “inspiration” and how did it occur? The differences between “inspiration” and “illumination”

  • Proving Inspiration – Is there any evidence that the bible is inspired?

  • Inerrancy – Does the bible err? Can it err and still be inspired?

  • History of Interpretation – How have others, including the apostles, interpreted and applied the bible?

  • Historical-Grammatical Hermeneutics – A model for how we can read, interpret and apply the bible

Every other SUNDAY: Jan. 19, Feb. 2, 16, Mar. 2, 16, 30, Apr. 13, 27, May 11, 18

  • 5:30-7:30pm

Suggested donation: $45; payable here, select "2025 classes"

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April 12

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

April 20

Easter Breakfast