What if your vocation was God’s way of shaping you and leading you to true joy?
Join John Fooshee for The Joy of Work, a class designed for anyone curious about what the Bible says about the spiritual nature of work. If you’re looking to approach work with greater joy, effectiveness, and purpose, this is your invitation to explore how faith can transform your daily efforts.
Whether you are a homemaker, have a large corporate job, or are just starting out in the workforce, this class is for you. In this ten-week class, we’ll cover:
The Purpose of Work: Is work a blessing or a curse? Discover God’s perspective on the significance of your labor.
Grace-Driven Work: Shift from a performance-based mindset to one rooted in the gospel.
Imitating Christ: Explore how God uses your work to spiritually grow you by participating in Jesus’ dying and rising.
When Work Doesn’t Work: Rely on the Spirit as you navigate frustrations, disappointments, and challenges.
Finding and Using Your Gifts: Discover your unique vocational calling from the Lord.
Job Alignment: Focus your daily activities to better align with your God-given gifts.
Relating to Your Boss: Build a healthy, God-honoring relationship with those in authority over you.
Navigating a Difficult Corporate Culture: Shine as a light in challenging or even toxic work environments.
Finishing Well: Complete your work with excellence, leaving a lasting impact that blesses those around you.
The Joy of Rest: Embrace rhythms of Sabbath rest to renew your energy and create a more sustainable, joy-filled lifestyle.
Every other Wednesday: Jan 15, 29, Feb 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9, 23, May 7, 21
6:15pm: Bring your dinner and enjoy fellowship before class
7:00pm: Class begins
8:30pm: Class dismissed
Suggested donation: $45; payable here, select "2025 classes"